You: Select a bundle that fits your budget (you can find the pricing tiers in the carousel below)

Then, fill out our quick lil intake form so we can get a sense of what you're looking for. This will secure you a spot on the waitlist!

Once we reach your name on the list you’ll get an email with the option to purchase your bundle - just in case you’ve changed your mind!

After your bundle is purchased : we will source, clean, and ship your personalized style bundle to you in 2-3 weeks!

Each style bundle tier is guaranteed a minimum number of pieces. You can choose between a standard or a premium bundle. The premium bundle offers the same service for the same price, however you will receive fewer more premium items in your bundle (think, premium brands, higher value pieces etc.)

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us here, or on instagram! Our dms are always open! 🫡

  • Standard Bundle Pricing

    3-4 Pieces ($100)

    5-7 Pieces ($175)

    8-10 Pieces ($250)

    12-15 Pieces ($375)

    16-20 Pieces ($500)

  • Premium Bundle Pricing

    3-4 Pieces ($175)

    5-6 Pieces ($250)

    7-9 Pieces ($375)

    10-12 Pieces($500)